One Radio App
Listen to One Radio using our in-app player, explore artist news and songs, pray for your One Radio community, enter contests and giveaways, and more! Enjoy the One Radio app on your iPhone, Android phone, tablet, or iPad!
One Radio Jesus. Music. Community.
One Radio Lite Lite Up Your Life.
One Radio Christmas The Music of Christmas. The Message of Christ.
Move Radio Music That Moves You!
Listen to One Radio using our in-app player, explore artist news and songs, pray for your One Radio community, enter contests and giveaways, and more! Enjoy the One Radio app on your iPhone, Android phone, tablet, or iPad!
From the airwaves to the web, you can listen to One Radio anytime, anywhere! The One Radio web player is available 24/7 and works on all major desktop and mobile browsers.
Amazon’s Alexa is now even more positive and uplifting! Simply say, “Alexa, play One Radio Manila,” and enjoy your favorite songs on your Amazon Echo or any Alexa-enabled device.
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